Local and global mission is a core part of why Redeemer San Angelo exists; this is why one of our cultural pillars is “Go”. We go to San Angelo and beyond because Jesus is worthy to be known and worshiped by all people.
If you’re interested in taking one more step to joining us in going, please click the link below to let us know! You can also email redeemersanangelo@gmail.com.
Go Team Interest Form
Local Partnerships
- Arbor Terrace - A local nursing home some of our church family visits monthy to play games.
- Baptist Student Ministry - Serving ASU students by connecting them to God, one another, and opportunities to share the gospel globally.
- Fresh Start Ministry - Long-term, life changing, Biblically-based, Christ-centered, mentoring and discipleship program designed to assist hurting women that are ready for a true life change.
- Neighbors Cafe - Every month, you can serve or donate to feed, pray with, and care for hungry neighbors in our community
- Pregnancy Help Center - Providing pregnancy tests, education, and care for expecting mothers and their families.
- Through God Comes Justice Jail Ministry - Join a few of us in discipling and caring for incarcerated individuals in the Tom Green County Jail system.
- YoungLife - Join our leaders by introducing young people to Jesus and helping them grow in their faith.
If you have non-perishable food or non-food items you'd like to donate, fill out the Go Team Interest Form!
Global Partnerships
- We are partnered with brothers and sisters serving in various regions on multiple continents. Because some of their information is sensitive, we are discreet with sharing it. Please fill out the Go Team Interest Form to get more information.