Growing up in San Angelo, Ryan and Kindall both came to trust in Jesus through strong relationships, being led in the way of Jesus by fellow Christians. Ryan left a six-year teaching career to join the Redeemer Network’s Church Planting residency in 2019 to gain full-time, hands-on ministry experience as well as pastoral training from leadership at The Well Abilene and the Redeemer Network. In February 2020, the Lord called Ryan and Kindall to leave Abilene and plant a church in San Angelo.

Both Brian and Kirstie Carroll grew up in church and were impacted by amazing people who desired to see their growth in following Jesus. After graduating from Angelo State University in 2011, Brian began helping the youth at the Journey Bible Church in San Angelo which ultimately led to him serving on staff there for over 8 years. As God continued to grow the Carroll's, Brian was asked to co-plant a church in San Angelo by Ryan in February of 2020. After much prayer and seeking counsel, Brian and Kirstie both felt the call to be part of Redeemer San Angelo.


Pastor Ryan seeks to lead the people of Redeemer San Angelo to undo empty religion and religious acts in order to relearn the True Way of Jesus.
Redeemer desires to be a multiplying church family learning and living in the good news of Jesus, together in San Angelo.
… a multiplying church family…
We desire to be committed to making disciples, raising them up as leaders, and planting new churches.
… learning and living in the good news of Jesus…
Changed by the life, death, resurrection, and return of Jesus, it influences every part of our lives.
… together…
We desire to live our lives in community, not just around one another, but with one another, leading each other in love towards a gospel-centered life.
… in San Angelo.
We desire to reveal God to our city by living and preaching the gospel among the people of San Angelo.
We believe that the only way to enter back into right relationship with God is through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Through the Holy Spirit, we are able to reorient our lives around this good news with a life that glorifies God and continually point us back to Jesus.

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life -- your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life -- and place it before God as an offering... Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Romans 12:1-2 (The Message)

Pray - We pray because we are dependant on God alone and love to simply be with Him.
Celebrate - Together we celebrate to glorify God for his goodness; past, present, and future.

GO - As a people who "go", we pursue relationships with those who are suffering spiritually and physically.


We seek to advance God’s Kingdom in San Angelo by making disciples who are rooted in the gospel, growing in truth and love, and equipped to make new disciples. Each of these aspects are interdependent on one another and will be central to our small groups & worship services, lived out in our relationships with one another, and modeled in our disciple-making.

ROOTED in the Gospel
The central hope and foundation to every believer is the good news of Jesus: God reconciling sinners back to Himself through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.

GROWING in Truth & Love
By submitting to the work of the Holy Spirit, we aim to be clear about the truth of the Scriptures and communicate it with love as we grow together as disciples. As Jesus loves, so we love.

EQUIPPED to Make New Disciples
The burden for advancing the Kingdom of God by preaching the g